Children involved in the Beslan School Number One terrorist attack a year ago are still plagued by their reactions. One boy says he lost religion: "There is no God. There is only military force. I believe in Russia and in our armed forces. That's what I believed in during the terrorist attack." (BBC) On the other hand, a girl was reborn:
"I found a little cross on the gym's floor. I kept it on me for all of the three days. It helped me to survive.
"I had a dream that I was running out of the school and I saw a pram. I ran up to it and I saw myself in there. I asked my Mum what it meant, and she said 'You were reborn'.
"I understood that when I escaped from that hell, I was reborn."
It's really interesting to me the role that religion, or lack thereof, plays in people's lives. Two people, two CHILDREN, in the same situation will have entirely different reactions.