News Unfit

All the news that's unfit to print!

17 June 2005

Evangelicals Gone Wild!!!

It intrigues me that we don't report this in the American media, but the BBC does.

Apparently there is strong religious intolerance, bullying and discrimination at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado being performed by Evangelicals against people of ANY other religion or denomination.

Mr Weinstein said 117 people had given him examples of abuse. Only eight of them were Jewish, he said - the rest were Catholics, Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist.

"Ted Haggard, president of the 30-million-member National Association of Evangelicals," whose headquarters is practically across the street from the Academy, counters that the Evangelicals are just expressing their freedom of speech. I'm sure if Jehova's Witnesses started knocking on his door every day he'd be picking different words to describe it.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bush-neutered MSM can only find time to report Runaway Brides and Jacko-Americans can't be bothered with things like the disaster in Iraq or the attempts to turn this country into Jesusistan. Really, now.....

At 6:42 PM, Blogger profmarcus said...

i was just going to make the very same comment that jollyroger posted above... the fact is that is HAS been reported in the msm, rather extensively in fact but, like so many other things of importance these days that require thoughtful and insightful reporting rather than voyeuristic pandering, it never grabbed msm attention other than in newspapers and, as we all know, if it isn't on tv, it isn't news...

At 7:37 PM, Blogger zandperl said...

*sigh* And then we have people swallowing the message of the media whole, without ever stopping to think on their own. I've been trying to show this person my point of view that her arguments boil down to "might-makes-right." It's nice to see that despite her original hate-laden post, her reply to me was civil.

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was on Hardball with Chris Matthews. (You can hardly call that show a right-wing propaganda outlet.) The Jewish guy came of sounding like a wounded ex-lawyer, and some Catholic Priestess with a buzz cut sounded like a whiny "Christian men always get their way" feminist. The only guests Matthews had who made a shred of reasonable sense were the Academy spokesman and Haggard, who sticks with the free speech arguement fairly consistently.

I live in Colorado Springs and find it more likely that there are a tiny handful of over-zealous folks at the Academy, not the epidemic that some paranoid liberals claim. That's the real reason it's not on the news a lot--there's no story. Virtually all of the cadets and staff at the AFA are playing by the rules.


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