News Unfit

All the news that's unfit to print!

31 May 2005

Save Our Ship!

Human trafficers abandoned a ship full of teenagers, mothers, and children in the ocean off of Costa Rica. Amazingly, their message in a bottle was intercepted and emergency supplies and personel have been dispatched to help them.

The migrants are now on the island and awaiting the arrival of a ship with food and medical supplies. ... A doctor and an immigration official are also being sent to the island.

I liked the implicit statement that beaureaucrats are essential to a competent rescue operation.

Where do you want your ass-rape?

A Kentucky judge is giving repeat drug and alcohol offenders the choice to attend "worship services" instead of rehab. Can I worship my bottle?

CNN Article

25 May 2005

News Unfit: All the news that's unfit to print!

I comment so often on stupid news stories, that I figured I'd launch a separate blog just for them. To start off, here's a post I just put over at Strange Musings, my main blog. From now on, I'll separate them out to here only.

All the time we read bizzare articles, such as the 21-year-old drunk driver who struck his passenger's head off on a telephone pole, didn't notice, continued to drive home, passed out on his parents' couch, and the next morning was rudely awoken from his hangover by a neighbor who discovered his best friend's headless body in the truck. Only rarely do we hear about the sentencing: vehicular homicide resulting in 5 years in prison. I wonder if they revoked his license.